Short Term Car Lease
Our short term car lease is the perfect solution when you need a car for a month or more, but don't want to pay car rental high prices. We carry late model, almost new automobiles with low miles at affordable rates with full maintenance included. Since it is truly month by month, with no long term commitment, you are in control of how long you are in the car. We also provide longer, multiple month contracts on a case by case basis. So if you need a car for six months, eight months, a year, whatever, just let us know.
We do require that you provide full coverage insurance, are a currently employed legal adult, and of course have a valid drivers license.
We currently serve the Atlanta area and provide vehicles in the state of Georgia. and only arrange vehicles out of state on a case by case basis. So contact us if you have out of state needs and we will try to accomodate you.